Top 10 Concert Tours Of 2003

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
Concert attendance jumped by 24% in the first half of the year. Fans bought 13.1 million concert tickets to the top 50 Concert tours from January to June.
Compared to 10.6 million sold last year. Gross receipts were up 26% to $678 Million. The Average cost of a ticket was Appox. $52.00..........Yet for the biggest Acts, prices continue to rise. Tickets for the top grossing tour- Elton John & Billy Joel- cost an average $113.00......The Rolling Stones average ticket cost was $158.00......up from $119.00 when they toured last year....The really expensive tickets are largely being bought by the aging "Baby Boomers"......

Top 10 Concert Tours Of 2003

1. Elton John/Billy Joel...............52.7 Million
2. The Rolling Stones.................37.4
3. The Dixie Chicks....................35.1
4. Celine Dion...........................33.2
5. Cher.....................................31.7
6. Tim McGraw...........................30.6
7. Fleetwood Mac........................28.3
8. Eagles...................................27.2
9. Bon Jovi.................................26.9
10.Kenny Chesney.......................24.4

New York.......Associated Press
Interesting stuff. It doesn't sound like P2P has has affected the musicians like it has the major record labels. Although I don't know if I could force myself to sit through a Rolling Stones concert even if Mick Jagger PAID ME $160. BTW, he turns 60 later this year!
I really love how all the right wingers insisted that the Dixies Chicks alienated their entire fanbase and ruined their careers with their anti-bush statements. What a bunch of fucktards.