Top 10 Most Ridiculous Black Metal Pics of All Time

HOLY CRAP!! I almost burst a gut laughing!! That's a great link. It always amazes me how black metal bands are always bending over backwards to be "evil" but most of the time end up looking utterly ridiculous. With the exception of Kiss, the only ones that can use makeup and not look like dolts are King Diamond and Rob Zombie, neither of whom are Black Metal.
That makes me wonder, does Eric Peterson of Testament wear makeup in his side-project band Dragonlord, who are supposedly black metal?
I actually thought the shot of Old Man's Child was decent...but metal can be over the top so easily it's not even funny.

BTW...Dragonlord isn't BM in my opinion. I'd call it thrashy DM w/keyboards maybe.
desert_demon said:
That makes me wonder, does Eric Peterson of Testament wear makeup in his side-project band Dragonlord, who are supposedly black metal?
The times I've seen them, they havn't worn the corpse-paint.

But they did at that Seattle Metal Fest. There are pics of them on their website with the paint on.
Well, as long as those bands do it for fun (like DL, I believe), there's nothing wrong with that. Too bad 90% of them are dead serious about it and that's ludicrous.
Anyhow, very entertaining photos, HL. Thanks for posting them