Top 10 posters on the official Iron Maiden board on 14/11/02

Profånity said:
At that time, the board was part of the Earboard's forums, was run by Skunk and I was IMfriend.

)Username-posts(join date)

1) The_Stranger - 8446 (08/31/2001)
2) Dream Healer - 7895 (05/28/2002)
3) mark666 - 7857 (04/25/2001)
4) MercenaryR - 7559 (06/30/2000)
5) NickosRightFoot - 7434 (08/26/2001)
6) IMfriend - 7357 (06/08/2002)
7) Nightcrawler - 7136 (08/25/2001)
8) ZeroTolerance - 6654 (08/08/2001)
9) ManOwarrioR - 6639 (04/01/2001)
10) Bootaaay - 6616 (08/28/2001)
That's strange I don't recall ever being one of the top 10 posters. Where's Kelly and the other losers who still post there?
Ayreonaut said:
And no life... i still post there from time to time, but i still haven't reached the 300. That palce has gotten boring. But some of the newcombers are ok, and would have fitted in 3 years ago...
Yeah I am at 330 or so right now. I met some cool people during the shows in LA so I go just to chat with them but 90% of that BB blows completely.
they still love the Messiah over there!!!!

jesus, and i wasnt on that top ten? must've been my dark age! usually i was right up there...i had over 25,000 posts over there total...back when i gave a damn about numbers. haha even tried to make the Hall of Fame...HAHAHAHAHA