Top 10 things about San Diego...


May 31, 2005
10. The bums keep the beach clean cause all the bottles and cans
have deposits for return.
9. San Diego has Del Taco, which kicks Taco Bell's ass!
8. Petco Park is an awesome baseball stadium.
7. It's never hard to find a cab in the Gaslamp district.
6. There are rock clubs everywhere!
5. San Diego is, ironically, the only place I've been in the past year where I
haven't heard dorks constantly quoting Napolean Dynamite.
4. Mission beach lets you BYOB.
3. The beach police are laid-back (compared to the east coast, believe me,
they are).
2. Rock 105.3 is the best rock/metal station I've heard since KSHE 95 in
Saint Louis went corporate in the 90's.
1. The BEST thing about San Diego/So Cal is..................
.............THE IRON FREAK'IN MAIDENS!!!!! :headbang:
I haven't been back since I left in '94 but believe me, I am trying! A few I remember are:

1. The -berto family of taco joints(Roberto's, Alberto's, Raybertos, Roybertos, etc..)
2. Watching Skyshows at the Murph from my roof.
3. Killer weather.
4. Fiesta Island. Dunno if it's even a happening spot these days.
5. Jello shots at the Sunshine Company at 10 am on a Sunday.
6. Both the Taylor and Carvin guitar factories.
7. Finally, I was hatched there!

Swimming on the beach of Coronado Island by Hotel Dell, but that’s if you’re not worried about the little great white sharks that can knee cap ya’ on the first pass.
I was born and raised in San Diego and HATED every minute of it! Try living in Escondido or Poway with no A/C, then the weather ain't so great. The only thing I miss are the taco shops like Albertos, other than that, you can have the place! I'm much happier in the cold, gloomy Seattle rain now. Plus we have the killer "herbal therapy" up here... :Spin:
