top 10 vestigial organs


Sep 12, 2002
i wish there were more

"Of course, some body hair is helpful to humans; eye brows can keep sweat out of the eyes and facial hair might influence a woman’s choice of sexual partner. All the rest of that hair, though, is essentially useless. "
not exactly OT but it BEGS inclusion:

sagittal crest: a ridge of bone along the midline of the top of the skull that serves for the attachment of the temporalis muscle.
I just read about the lactation, means your friend has too much estrogen which means he in turn has too much testosterone which is then converted to estrogen by aromatase. He might be on 'roids or is just more of man than I ever hope to be.
I was taught Eustachian tube, but yes the passage linking the middle ear and pharynx - it is derived from the gill cleft found in fish. The spiracle of early fish (i.e. remnants of the first first gill slit) is still found in human embyos, and a modified version develops to create the Eustachian tube. :)