top 5 favorite books

BWD is going to make my choices look like filth flarn filth, but what the hey...

Stephen King - The Stand (best book of all time IMO)
Tolkien - Lord of the Rings trilogy
Margaret Weis & Tracey Hickman - Dragonlance trilogy (fine, I'm an old-school D&D geek, sue me)
Heinlein - Stranger In A Strange Land (and damn good Maiden song, btw)
Mankind - Have A Nice Day :lol:

j/k about the last one, though it was funny as shit. For the real last one, erm, um...
(tie) Clancy - Red Storm Rising and Eric L. Harry - Arc Light (I'm also a sucker for WWIII scenarios)

I tend to like non-fiction and autobiographies. Some of my favorites include:

*SATAN'S UNDERGROUND- BY LAUREN ??? (This book is about a woman who was made to pose nude with animals, and forced into prostitution at a young age.(maybe metallica sucks whatever will like this). She eventually wound up with drug dealers, pimps, thugs, etc... and people into Satanism as a young woman. She tells of Satanic rituals and demon possession among other things. This book is very graphic ans supposedely autobiographical.
can say....those are ones i love

everything by pratchett....
doug adams is cool too...
the dark tower (or smth) by stephen king
also loved woyzeck....yeh...ppl hate it...
I'll never understand why Ayn Rand is popular in america, I suppose it is the fact that she is such a primitive and simplistic write. If you want to be a individualistic Superman- or a godman- why not just read nietzsche, or better yet read some dostoevsky- the man who proposed and then refuted the idea of the superman, years before nietzsche. Sorry for my rant, but I really do not understand after reading ayn rand, how anyone believes she is a great writer. So Black Winter Day will you please explain why her book is so special to you?
Stranger in a Strange Land-Robert Heinlein
The Shining-Stephen King
The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress-Robert Heinlien
Ender's Game-Orson Scott Card
The Hitchiker's Guide To The Galaxy-Douglas Adams
1- Colleen McCoullough: "The Thorn Birds"
2- A. Schnitzler : "Leutnant Gustl"
3- Thomas Mann: "Buddenbrooks"
4- Patrick Süskind: "Das Parfum"
5- Herman Hesse: "Siddharta"
well, well, well...
this is a hard one so i'll stretch the rules a bit and take everything those authors wrote and just pick out their bestest and most beautifullest one :)
1. William Fucking Shakespeare - Much ado about nothing
2. terry pratchett - thief of time
3. nail gaiman - neverwhere
4. hermann hesse - das glasperlenspiel
5. tad williams - otherland

hermann hesse - siddharta
tolkien - lord of the rings
leo buscaglia - living loving and learning
tom robins - even cowgirls get the blues
stephen king - hearts in atlantis

there are far more,can't point out just 5.these are just the first 5 that popped in my mind.
Originally posted by Dragonlord
tom robins - even cowgirls get the blues

Have you read any of his other stuff, Dragonlord?

I recently finished up Tom Robbin's "Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates," and am currently reading "Jitterbug Perfume." They're both incredible!! I think I have a new favorite author...

some other favorites..
Tolkien - Lord Of The Rings
Dante Alighieri - The Divine Comedy
George Orwell - 1984
Daniel Quinn - Ishmael
Arthur C Clarke - 2001