top 5 favorite movies?


Your Favorite Uncle
May 28, 2003
the bluegrass state
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Just curious as to some of your favorite flicks? Here are my top five of all time:
SLING BLADE - Billy Bob Thornton will ALWAYS be Karl Childers to me
STAND BY ME - Similar to growing up with friends in small town Kentucky
O BROTHER WHERE ART THOU? - Classic! Great music but funny as hell
INDIANA JONES - Trilogy - got it for Christmas. Come on! What kid DIDN'T grow up in the 80's and want a bullwhip?
FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH - Sean Penn went downhill from this...

what are some of your favorites? I know this ain't metal but just something different...and most music fans are movie fans...
Christ, you're killing me Ted!! How come all of your threads give me headaches?!! :grin: Let me think about it a little bit
Ok, my head stopped hurting and this is what I came up with...

Dark City (great sci-fi noir movie)
SLC Punk (A dramedy about punks living in Salt Lake City in the 80's)
Gross Point Blank
High Fidelity
Raising Arizona
Full Metal Jacket
2001: A Space Odyssey
The Exorcist
Still Crazy
Hmmm, not sure if I forgot anything but these are the few I can think of right now:
American History X
The Crow
Bram Stoker's Dracula
The Exorcist
plus some Jodie Foster movie of which I can't remember the title right now
So Ted, you're from too!

I'm gonna have to thing about this, because I love movies & it's too hard for me to pick only 5! Get back to ya later.
hmmmm...ted,you do like to make us think fella.
for me its these five,but i'm sure i'll change my mind tomorrow
a sad and populist list i know,but i can watch them over and over again
I can't narrow it down to 5 because it depends on my mood! So here's a whole list of some of my favourites haha!

Taxi Driver, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original), After Hours, Death Wish, Revenge Of The Nerds, Halloween, The Blues Brothers, Beverly Hills Cop, Coming To America, Detroit Rock City, Back To The Future 1 & 2, all Dario Argento's films (esp. Tenebrae, Profondo Rosso, Creepers & Suspiria), Bloodsucking Freaks, Trick Or Treat, Demons, Dressed To Kill, Psycho, Rear Window, Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers, Basket Case, some of the old Hammer Horror stuff, Fast Times At Ridgemont High, Porky's, Sixteen Candles, Shame, Chopper, Mr Reliable, Ed Wood, the Wayne's Worlds, the Bill & Teds, etc etc etc!!!

Hahaha I know that's a little bit more than 5 but I can't just choose 5. I love all of them but it depends on my mood which ones I like better really! However the first 3 or 4 are probably in my top 5 for sure.
tedvanfrehley said:
Just curious as to some of your favorite flicks? Here are my top five of all time:
SLING BLADE - Billy Bob Thornton will ALWAYS be Karl Childers to me
STAND BY ME - Similar to growing up with friends in small town Kentucky
O BROTHER WHERE ART THOU? - Classic! Great music but funny as hell
INDIANA JONES - Trilogy - got it for Christmas. Come on! What kid DIDN'T grow up in the 80's and want a bullwhip?
FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH - Sean Penn went downhill from this...

what are some of your favorites? I know this ain't metal but just something different...and most music fans are movie fans...
I said it before and i'll say it again......DAMN YOU, TED!!!!!:loco:

I need asprin with me everytime i try to answer one of your threads!

Ok...this is most definately not set in stone...

Pulp Fiction
Terminator 2: Jugement Day
Back To The Future
The Running Man

And as of Last Night, Mystic River is officially in the running. What a movie!!!
Psychonaut said:
Aw man! I forgot all about Raising Arizona! Classic!!!

"gimme back my baby you warthog from hell" :grin:

The best scene is the fight in the trailer when John Goodman scrapes his knuckles on the ceiling. :lol: