Top 50 sci fi books (take note, Steph)

I've read alot of those....well, ok like around 12. I started my love with SciFi back in third grade with A Wrilnkle In Time. That book threw my sense of reality for a loop! In Jr High/High School I subscibed to Analog Science Fiction and Fact~ my fav contributer was Ben Bova. I didn't care for the fantasy stuff like McCaffrey tho Wanda, although I did get into that series for awhile to see what all the fuss was about. I preferred time travel, aliens, strange new technology and how society reflected all this weirdness! Plus, it made my left brain itch while my right brain scratched.
MiniMurray said:
Plus, it made my left brain itch while my right brain scratched.

Oh, well said! I did a lot of the fantasy stuff in college and graduate school. It was a rural university so besides get into trouble we played a lot of Dungeons and Dragons and similar games. We partied responsibly :saint:
MiniMurray said:
Plus, it made my left brain itch while my right brain scratched.

You have a knack for words. If you girls ever start doing originals I hope you write the lyrics. :)

I'm somewhat disappointed in sci fi in recent years. I think PKD has single-handedly ruined it. If you look at sci fi before his influence became so strong, it was often optimistic, and the future would be a great place. Star Trek, anyone? Putting a Russian, Chinese and black woman on that bridge in 1965 took some huevos.

Now it's all dystopian, pathetic, sad and terrible. The future is an awful place, everything wrong now will be worse. Even Star Trek has been polluted with ridiculous PC and socialistic ideas.

The first sci fi show I ever saw as a kid was The Thunderbirds. It's corny, but still a lot of fun, and their view of the future WAS a positive one. Shame the movie they are making is gonna suck. I heard the storyline and wanted to puke.

To be honest, my favorite books are what I call scientific fiction, with Crichton being the master of the genre. He can be totally wrong at times, but he also does some really great stuff.

If you like Crichton, you must read The Descent by Jeff Long. Now that book was amazing. See if you can find a copy for the Arizona trip, Steph. :)