Top 50 Thrash Albums

wow I own a great big huge majority of those, does that mean I rule?
Good list, crappy order, more underground please

edit: says guess who
Honestly, there were about 6 of us who made the list, and the votes were judged by average scores out of 100. A lot of great shit missed out, and a lot of rubbish made it on there. Averages are like that!
You know, I honestly think these types of polls and lists would be more meaningful if bands were restricted to one album per list. (other classic releases by whatever band can be mentioned in the capsule write-ups if so desired).
Décadent said:
I disagree. If nothing else, both Kill 'em All AND Ride the Lightning deserve a spot in a top 50.

I don't disagree about those albums, I just feel it should be restricted to bands rather than all releases. Perhaps an even better idea would be to pick the band rather than an album and then explain why (In Metallica's case, KEA, RTL, MoP, etc.).
JayKeeley said:
dozen eggs
7 grain bread
orange juice (tropicana)
filet mignon
baking potatoes
sour cream
old english mustard

cashier: "you must be single"
customer: "why do you say that? is it the things I am buying?"
cashier: "no, it's because you're bloody ugly"