Top production albums everyone should have?

One of the Best "Live" Albums Ever Produced - Judas Priest - Unleashed in the East. Every instrument is well recorded. It really captures an amazing show(s) (too bad they are doing thier farewell tour called "Epitaph" this year)

Also a great live CD - Iron Maiden - Live at Donnington
Mew - Frengers
Top solid production, actual one of my favs in the "indie/alt rock" genre.
Love the clean-almost-breaking-up tones on this album

Rich Costey did it.
Oh and I almost forgot but I love what Nick Launay has done with the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, both Is Is and It's Blitz.
Boston - Boston
T. Rex - Electric Warrior & The Slider
Danzig - Danzig
Goatsnake - Vol. 1
White Wizzard - High Speed GTO EP
Squirrel Nut Zippers - Hot
Lilium - Transmission Of All The Goodbyes
I'm kinda surprised nobody mentioned The Gathering by Testament till now.. Too obvious? :)

Other than that:
Slash - Slash
Celtic Frost - Monotheist
I'm listening to Blink 182 - Take off your Pants... for the first time in a looong time and I can't believe how amazing it sounds.

Jimmy Eat World - Futures
Converge - No Heroes (this is an example of production fitting the music to a T)
Daughters - s/t (I'm probably alone on this but it sounds insane to me, wall of sound)
Underoath - Lost in the Sound of Seperation
Dead Letter Circus - This is the Warning

Karnivool - Themata

And Karnivool Sound Awake ..... A really amazing exploration of texture, heavily layered and really well produced album.
As I Lay Dying - An Ocean Between Us ...... Tight, well balanced and massive guitar tone without vocal clarity\punch being forsaken. <---- like the pun? hahaha
Porcupine Tree - Deadwing ..... Just amazing, a really warm record with very expressive dynamics and tone.
Machinehead - The Blackening ..... One of the better Modern Metal tones with some pretty damn cool song writing imo.
Lamb Of God - Sacrament ..... Biggest sounding Metal record I've ever heard. If ANYONE can show me something along these lines I'd be greatly appreciative. Chances are that I'd love it :D
Am I the only one who absolutely despises Stabbing the Drama? The snare drum sounds like a plastic food container, and the guitars sound like thin, fizzy static. That album has some of the absolute worst guitar tone I've ever heard.

You should check out 'The Panic Broadcast' then. One of the most awkwardly atrocious guitar sounds I've heard in my whole life! They really outdid STD on that one, haha.
You should check out 'The Panic Broadcast' then. One of the most awkwardly atrocious guitar sounds I've heard in my whole life! They really outdid STD on that one, haha.

Yeah, at first I liked that one but the whole mix really outgrew on me, if one can say this haha.

I just listened to this b***h again, it's been some time since high school. I think the production is mind-blowing. It's not The Fragile, ofcourse, but it fits the rockier sound of NIN from this era like a glove. Everything sits together so perfectly. Year Zero and The Slip are excellent productions too, crystal clear and precise sound. Hail Trent and Alan Moulder!
Behemoth - The Apostasy - modern but gritty as fuck
Celtic Frost - Monotheist - absolutely huge sounding
Cephalic Carnage - Xenosapien
Coheed & Cambria - Goodbye Appollo.... Vol one
- :loco: How pop rock/metal should sound.
Cryptopsy - None So Vile
Deathspell Omega - Paracletus
- organic mentalist black metal that somehow retains it's clarity, the tones on this album are phenomenal, I implore all of you to check this out. Srsly, everything sounds incredible.
Defeated Sanity - Chapters of Repugnance - pretty much perfect as far as the style goes.
Dismember - Like an Ever Flowing Stream - The peak of the Sunlight sound
Funeral Mist - Salvation\Maranatha
Gorguts - The Erosion Of Sanity
- One of Colin Richarson's best mixes imo
High on Fire - Death Is This Communion
Insect Warfare - World Extermination
Lost Soul - Immerse In Infinity
- Hertz at their best
Nachtmystium - Assasins : Black Meddle Part 1
Sepultura - Beneath The Remains
Slayer - South of Heaven
Svartsyn - Timeless Reign
Ulcerate - Everything Is Fire/The Destroyers of All

and +1 to De Mysteriis and Covenant