Top track per album!


High Satanic Poseur
May 4, 2006
The Rivah City, VA
Apologies if this thread has been started previously.

I love Nevermore and so, like yourselves, I spend an inordinate amount of time considering, if not worshiping, the quality of their catalog. I recently burned a compilation disc for the benefit of a newbie and felt compelled to include my fave track from each studio LP....It was more difficult than I thought.

Sure, it's easy to peg your top 2/3 off each disc...but to have to name your #1, not so simple. Well, after deep thought, I present my immutable, for all tid, irreproachable list of sequential Nevermorian faultlessness!

ST - The Sanity Assassin
PoE - 42147
DNB - No More Will
DHDW - Evolution 169
EoR - Tomorrow Turned into Yesterday
TGE - Sentient 6
Misc - Love Bites...Simply, the perfect cover...yet, much more than that!

Not too shabby!
At the moment its probably something like:

ST - Sea of Possibilities
IM - In Memory
PoE - The Learning
DNB - No More Will
DHDW - Dead Heart in a Dead World
EoR - Create the Infinite
TGE - The Psalm of Lydia
Misc - Utopia
ST - Sea of Possibilities
IM - The Sorrowed Man
PoE - The Learning
DNB - Poison Godmachine
DHiaDW - The River Dragon Has Come
EoR - I, Voyager
TGE - This Godless Endeavor
Misc - Love Bites

Enemies of Reality was definitely the hardest album making a decision on. All of Nevermore's albums had one song that instantly came to my mind, but Enemies...I don't know. They are all on a pretty equal level. Tough decision.
Self Titled--The Sanity Assassin
In Memory--tie between Optimist or Pessimist and In Memory
PoE--The Learning
DNB--No More Will
DHIADW--Believe In Nothing
EoR--Seed Awakening
TGE--tie between A Future Uncertain and Sentient 6
My favorites from each album are constantly changing...but here's what they are right now:

S/T - Sea of Possibilities
IM - Optimist or Pessimist
PoE - Lost
DNB - I Am The Dog
DHIADW - Inside Four Walls
EoR - I, Voyager
TGE - My Acid Words

Talk to me next month and I'll probably have a different list for you :p
Nevermore-The Garden Of Grey
In Memory-Matricide/In Memory (hard desition)
Politics of Ecstasy - The Learning
Dreaming Neon Black - Poison GodMachine
Dead Heart, in a Dead World - Dead Heart, in a Dead World/Evolution 169
Enemies of Reality - Noumenon
This Godless Endeavor - This Godless Endeavor
Misc - Utopia
ST- Godmoney
IM- The Sorrowed Man
PoE- Lost
DNB- The Lotus Eaters
DHiaDW- Engines of Hate
EoR- Seed Awakening
TGE- This Godless Endevor
Misc- All the Cowards Hide
s/t - Garden of Grey
IM - Optimist or Pessimist
POE - The Learning
DNB - Beyond Within
DHDW - Engines of Hate
EOR - Enemies of Reality
TGE - Sell My Heart For Stones (this song is straight up DNB... it's amazing how Smyth came up with it when he wasn't even in the band in '99)
ST - Sanity Assassin
IM - Optimist Or Pessimest
PoE - Seven Toungues Of God
DNB - No More Will
DHiaDW - Beleive In Nothing
EoR - I, Voyager
TGE - Final Product
Misc - All The Cowards Hide
S/T - Garden of Gray
IM - The Sorrowed Man
PoE - The Learning
DNB - No More Will
DHiaDW - River Dragon
EoR - Tomorrow Turned into Yesterday
TGE - This Godless Endeavor
Misc - Chances Three

By the way, the next person who says that Love Bites is a good song is going to get punched in the face.
ST - C.B.F.
IM - Silent Hedges - Double Dare
POE - 42147
DNB - The Fault Of The Flesh
EoR - Seed Awakening
TGE - The Psalm Of Lydia
Misc - Love Bites:loco:
S/T - Timothy Leary (by a mile!)
IM - Optimist of Pessimist
POE - Seven Tongues
DNB - I am The Dog
DHIADW - Engines of Hate/Insignificant
EoR - I adore this record so it's hard to choose, prob Seed Awakening.
TGE - Born/Sentient 6/TGE (couldnt choose :( )
Misc - All the cowards hide

oh and Izzy :)p) Love Bites OWNS. :lol: