torn between purchases


Jan 16, 2009
ok guys, i need some help, i just can't decide what i want to get next, i want something brutal, i was also thinking about purchasing something from the following Devourment, Viral Load, Voices of Decay, Vulvectomy, and Debauchery.

Bottom line, i'm torn, i really liked Viral Load and Devourment,

any other suggestions will suffice too, i'd prefer something more fast pace, and in your face. if that helps. i know i'm asking alot, but help a brother out.
thats what i was more or less leaning towards, either album by them? is there one thats better than the other?
i went with Devourments new album, i saw the best reviews for it, i have to admit i'm super pumped for the albums i've ordered recently, i've ordered the devourment one, a Wormed album which i'm really excited for, another Vomitory album and Limbonic Art which might be a risk, but if i don't like it i'll just sell it somewhere else.