Whats a good animal related charity to give to?


Feb 4, 2002
So, I turn 31 this May and I wanted to do something different then just go out and have a wild night of drinking and debauchery. I want to do something worthwhile that can raise a few dollars to help out a good charity for animals (homeless ones in particular). I live in Northern Westchester county N.Y and would like to make it a local charity. Problem is there is a bit of controversy concerning some of them so I was wondering if you good people had any suggestions on who I should donate to. It wouldn’t be much, perhaps a few hundred dollars at most but I know every penny helps and could be life or death for some of these dogs and cats. So far I have it set up at a local bar (Popeyes) for late may. We got six bands (might add more since it starts at 3PM), five dollar donation at the door, 2 stages (sort of) barbeque etc, etc. Any additional ideas folks?!?????
The bands who will be performing that evening are Shell Shock, Hymen Holocaust, See You Next Thursday, East Coast Scammers, Broken and possibly Johhny G And The ZPC, I may add one or two more depending upon certain factors. If any of you can donate time, money, a good second P.A I would appreciate it from the bottom of my black little heart. The flyer will be up for this soon. If any of you are good with photo shop or a similar program even that would be great. See ya on Saturday May 19th at Popeyes.
Bright Star German Sheppard Rescue is based in Rochester, NY. I have made donations to them. There has to be a local dog rescue for you to donate to.
You may also consider www.cellphonesforsoldiers.com
They send cellular phones to our troops so they can call their families back home. I send them any old cell phones that I come across.
Let us know what you do. Happy B-day.
you can go to petco and they have donations and information that affect your local shelters. Alot of time you can see pet vans looking for cash or food for your local shelter.

Super sexy PETA Angel Adria Hinkle is looking for animal donations to her "Euthanize a polar bear cub and other animals" drive.

Well, of course AFTER she gets out of the lesbo lock-up for mass-murdering 50-gallon bags full of kittens and puppies.

Bearing this in mind, FIRST make sure to ask if
PETA has any contact or affiliation with the shelter!

If they admit it, tell em to
FUCK OFF and find one that's not gonna slaughter its animals.

Thanks Bill, and Jurched. Theres a group up here that has a shelter that works with Petco. So long as they have no affiliation with Peta I think I may go with them I need to do a little more research but this might be the one.
Thanks Bill, and Jurched. Theres a group up here that has a shelter that works with Petco. So long as they have no affiliation with Peta I think I may go with them I need to do a little more research but this might be the one.
That person deserves alot worse then jail. I say execute that cunt. I would love to jack hammer that fuck the do do hole with a sharpend led pipe. People like this make me sick.