ya, i couldnt go unfortunately. :( i knew the show was gonna be awesome, nobody i knew couldnt go cuz they had to work in the morning and shit *i had to also, but i woulda showed up late if i had to :)* grr maybe next time *starts praying for another toronto/buffalo area show sometime in the next 1-4 years*:kickass:

nice pics from the show last night btw....very jealous i couldnt go now
well they have so many other concerts around the states catxch them there... Portland is going to be a killer damn resident card lol... and being broke fot that matter...
oh i woke up late for school and ran my ass off cuz i had a midterm haha it was worth it tho...i probably failed that test haha!!
This show last night in Toronto was great!

I saw the guys in Montreal a couple of years ago, and I liked the setlist better at that show (plus they were headlining). However, their performance this time was at least on par with the last :kickass:

Jonas' voice was strong, as were the backing vocals by Anders (if you're reading this, you should use your clean voice more!) and everyone played nice and tight. Great night overall.
Demilich said:
Jonas' voice was strong, as were the backing vocals by Anders (if you're reading this, you should use your clean voice more!) and everyone played nice and tight. Great night overall.

i think Jonas' mic was screwed up...could be barely heard