Total $%^ question!!


New Metal Member
May 13, 2008
Hey guys, I did a search, and found a bunch of stuff, but none of it helped much, so I thought I would post instead.

I'm pretty much new to recording, so did what every other tom harry and jones did and bought a Pod XT.

Firstly, I can't get a really good metal rythm tone out of it, ive tried a few different amp/mods etc with the ts9 stomp and can get 80s metal tones, but nothing modern. Been trying for over a week. Was going to buy the Metal package, but I cant justify spending extra money right now!

I have been reading about Impulses!!

So I downloaded Boogex, but I cant seem to work out what to do next, I copied into the VST area for Adobe Audition, but cant work out what else to do? Does audition support boogex?

If anyone can help with just getting a better over all tone please let me know.

Stuff Im using, podxt, adobe audition, acoustica beatcraft.

Thanks alot guys, hope it made sense
I don't have a PodXT or Audition so I can't be too descriptive but turn off the cab simulation in the Pod, then make sure you are recording onto the same track that you have Boogex on in Audition (although I recommed Kefir over Boogex for Impulses, its simpler). Load up an impulse and there you have it, its pretty simple. I'm pretty sure Audition supports VST's, nearly all DAW's do so you should be fine in that regard.

Personally I'd do yourself a favour and make the switch to Reaper instead of Audition. Reaper will take you as far as you want to go and its really easy to use.
I'll see about Reaper, just a money issue mainly.

As far as audition goes, I cant find anywhere to go to add VSTs or Impulses, unless im missing something?
I can't really help you with Audition, look for a button on the track/channel bar that says 'FX' or 'Insert' or similar. Hopefully someone with Audition can chip in here. Reaper is free, kinda, and if you want to actually pay for it then its only $50 which is steal for what it is. Once you have opened Boogex/ Kefir then its pretty easy, just click load and select an Impulse. Boogex has some in built but better ones can be downloaded from all over the place, use the Search button on here for a start. I've just started an Impulse thread over in Production and there is a revived thread in Rate my Mix that has a link to a huge collection of impulses. Its at the end of the thread

Ok, don't know whether this is the right version but look here:

If Boogex is still looking a little complicated, try a search for SIR 101. I use that plugin for my impulses and it's great. For whatever reason, I could never get the impulses from the forum to load in Boogex. I'm sure it was my error, but SIR101 is much easier to use, IMO.
I'm not sure how Barry Poynter did it, I can at least show you some metal songs that were recorded with the POD. Don't give up on hope yet.

Curtain of Deceit - Soul Embraced (Dead Alive album)

Immune to Emotion - Soul Embraced (Immune album)

I know the guys in Living Sacrifice were using PODxt's at the time of recording Conceived in Fire, but I think Andy Sneap re-amped that whole album. Thankfully.

I'll look more into what went on during the recording of those albums to see what Poynter did to get that sound if you like it.
If Boogex is still looking a little complicated, try a search for SIR 101. I use that plugin for my impulses and it's great. For whatever reason, I could never get the impulses from the forum to load in Boogex. I'm sure it was my error, but SIR101 is much easier to use, IMO.

You're right SIR is great for impulses but more for Reverbs and the like, IMO its too complicated for cab impulses. Think about it, an impulse is just a power amp section and a cab. The only adjustment you would have in real-life is the Amp Master Volume = KeFir. SIR theres too many things to fuck around with. Plus its way more CPU intensive than KeFir.
You're right SIR is great for impulses but more for Reverbs and the like, IMO its too complicated for cab impulses. Think about it, an impulse is just a power amp section and a cab. The only adjustment you would have in real-life is the Amp Master Volume = KeFir. SIR theres too many things to fuck around with. Plus its way more CPU intensive than KeFir.

hmm, I guess I don't find turning down the dry slider and upping the wet slider all that difficult? :p

IMO, an impulse is an impulse...All you need is a plugin to apply the impulse, so be it reverb, cab sim, etc. makes no difference.

The boogex plug IMO actually has more "complication" as to the tone it produces - with all the knobs and stuff.

To each their own, of course.
Hey thanks alot!

Thats a different version of Audition gorath, but I remember it having an FX button like that, ill check when i get back from Uni. I'm finding Audition pretty easy to use, but I might upgrade to reaper, I'm guessing most people here just download it? So whats the easiest plugin to use? Will I be able to get a decent Metal rhythm out of using an Impulse?

spioraid, yeh that would be wikid, im familiar with the band. I'll do some googling.

But otherwise. this is the plan so far:
-Turn off Cab emulators on the pod
-Use boogex through Audition
-Load up an Impulse
-Fck around with it till I get a good sound

Cheers guys!!
And I still cant work out how to get Audition 3 to use plugins... If I insert a Midi track it comes up with the option, but it says Boogex is "not an instrument"

You don't want it on a MIDI track, just start up a regular track and then click the FX button and select Boogex.
I'm not sure if adobe audition fully supports vsts. I know for sure that even the later Cool edits didn't( thats what it was before adobe bought it).
I know when I used the first version of Adobe Audition to be able to use new vst's and what not I had to select an option to update the effects list. I don't know about the new one though.
Audition 3.0 Supports VSt's ... Just go to the effects option once you're on the edit page (not multitrack page) and go to VST plugin manager and select the ones that you want...
After that go to your project's multitrack view and click on FX (its just below the view selection tabs) and double click the bar with the ON/OFF button - from there you can choose your effect.
Hope this helps
Thanks heaps Kramer, I found it, loaded up boogex and was able to choose a few impulses.

Gorath, I found a few good impulses, thanks alot! Makes the guitar tracks sound much more alive, I just have to turn off the Pods Cab sims next time I record, because they still sound like arse abit.

I found some Line6 Pod XT tones in a zip folder in another post, just wandering, how do you use these? They all end with .l6t , do you need to download a special program or something?
afaik, the ".l6t" files will load into your pod either through Line6 Monkey (not sure on that), Gearbox (not the plugin, the manager) or Line6 Edit.
Doesnt do it on Line6 Monkey, i downloaded Line6 edit, but it comes up with a java error. So im going to try Gearbox. Thanks heaps again Kramer!! Your a champ!
I'm actually getting a pretty good tone using the Impulses + curve eq using the Line6 agro + ts9 stomp on the Podxt. But I know i could get better