Totally off-topic...prolly old as hell... SNAKES!!!

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I am saddened that they went back to reshoot scenes to tailor it to the cult film crowd. They're trying to make it a cult film, and reshot some scenes with Sam Jackson to include memorable phrases. Pretty shitty.

I'm also pretty sure that trailer is not actually an official one, but a fan-made trailor using a few leaked scenes, as the CGI looks very unpolished and in some places completely unfinished.
Bryan, you are the coolest....yet the one that breaks the "off-topic" rule the most by far... :heh:

Anything music related is fair game on this forum including jazz, funk, disco, country, soft rock, latin porno soundtrack, etc. I delete all other threads such as sports, politics, etc as this is not the place for it.

Instead of just deleting the thread, I'm going to close it so folks can get an example of one of the few rules I maintain.

Glenn H.
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