Tour Dtae question for Allentown PA

Patrick M

Feb 11, 2002
Visit site
I saw a SX date listed on the Crocodile Rock web site. For those who don't know ...thats a club in Allentown PA. Its listed for Feb. 4th. Its not listed on the SX site. Is this a tenative date waiting for confirmation. If so this would be awesome. SX playing in my backyard. Seen them 3 times and always had to travel at least 3 hrs. Any one got any info

Thanks in advance

Patrick M
OH BOY OH BOY ! I just called the club. He said it is confirmed and tickets will be available in about a week at the club or by phone. They do not use Ticketmaster. He said there "may" be an opening act, but it is SymX's show that night.
I am so excited I can't stand it. I hope this is official. :headbang:
Thank you, Patrick!
Holy crap! I'll drive to Allentown from here, bah 45 minutes for a show is nothing :D. Hopefully something will come out soon, but as always wait for the official word from :)

this is awesome,..although i thought i read something in a Romeo interview where he said it would be reallly difficult to do a tour with so little time to rehearse.
Must have been a fake-out. I see now that the band is no longer listed on the Crocodile Rock Club upcoming shows page.


Deron and Jackie :

Will every show that they do, even if it is a small club "warm-up" show before Europe be posted on ??
Originally posted by Pharoah
Deron and Jackie :

Will every show that they do, even if it is a small club "warm-up" show before Europe be posted on ??

Yes, once we have confirmation of this stuff from the band, the info will go up on the site. I'll be talking to Mike Romeo before the end of the week & should have more info for you then. Keep an eye both here and on the News area of the website, that's where the info will show up first.