Tour question for D.E. (re: Annihilator)

Sep 13, 2002
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Hey D.E.,

I saw the Annihilator mainman Jeff W. posting this recently at Annihilator forum:

"""You have heard me say this a few times before BUT we have never had the means and worthwhile opportunity to get back into the USA/Can. That MAY change next year; 2 bands we played at the same festivals with, have asked Annihilator to tour North America next year, as support. One of these bands is BIG there so we finally may have a chance at a label lending us the tour suport to tour there as well as maybe even put a few cds in the stores and promote the tour!

Seeing as Annihilator played a few festivals in Europe in Testament, they came to my mind first. So did Testament ask Annihilator to support them on the next North America tour?
Ya know when your on tour & playing festivals, everyones in a good mood, drinking beers & socializing, etc....Your meeting band members from other groups & and everyones so positive.......So while your talking(band member to band member), .....What comes up is "hey we should tour together that would be cool"......reply....."ya that would be awesome lets tour next year together".....but in reality, theres alot more than just Jeff Waters wanting to tour, theres the buisness side, getting the record Company money to OK the tour, getting the time to tour, picking out where & everything else(alot red tape) even though bands always say things like got to wait to see it on paper, & then its not for sure, until you get on that tour bus & do it.....So alot could or could not happen in the future.......We hope for the best, & so do the bands that our out there playing. But that is how some tours get started, good vibes & mutual respect of eachothers bands, so its a start, not a for sure you get what I'm saying?...........alot of if's.....but sometimes the if's come true!
I think Testament's next North American tour should be there version of the Metal Gods tour but thrash themed..have them headline with bands like Overkill, Kreator, Annihilator and Death Angel supporting!
Brent said:
I think Testament's next North American tour should be there version of the Metal Gods tour but thrash themed..have them headline with bands like Overkill, Kreator, Annihilator and Death Angel supporting!

Great Idea!.....................I Like It!
Brent said:
I think Testament's next North American tour should be there version of the Metal Gods tour but thrash themed..have them headline with bands like Overkill, Kreator, Annihilator and Death Angel supporting!

Not a bad idea. But for starters, they should take some other good thrash band with them on the road and play at least 2 hours. Testament could revive a lot of the old classics during that period of time. :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: