tour status



Hello everyone, I wanted to give you all an update on our tour status. So far the only show that had top be cancelled was the Santa Ana show. We intend on finishing all the dates including the Century Media party and the South American shows as long as it's possible for us to fly to these shows given the current situation. Our hearts go out to anyone who may have suffered a personal loss due to the recent terrorist acts that have occured in our country. Hope to see you all on tour soon.....
9/24 Foufounes Electrique - Montreal, Que
9/25 Kathedral - Toronto, Ont.
9/27 Royal Albert - Winnipeg, MB
9/28 CM 10 Year Anniversary Party - W. Hollywood, CA
9/30 The State - Regina, SK
10/1 Wash 'n' Slosh - Saskatoon, SK
10/2 Fox 'n' Hound - Edmonton, AB
10/3 Warehouse - Calgary, AB
10/4 Performance Center - Kelowna, BC
10/5 Columbia - Vancouver, BC
10/6 Diegos - Victoria, BC
Its great to have you back! I hope you are well. Can you please give us an idea as to what happened with Billy Milano. I know many people have been waiting for your side of the story. I met him once and he was an a__hole.
How are you doing?
I hope you're doing fine, still like flying so much?
Nah, just wanted to say hi, that's all....

BTW, What's up with the vodka,red bull and Jagermeister-thing?
I mean, you really like it? I think it tastes aweful! :loco:
bye bye and take care
glad to see you post again warrel......!!!!
so much of my family works in the wtc was a very horrifying day indeed..smoke still rises from the once grand towers today! one of the oddest things I read regarding the investigation is the fact that 7 websites were found to be created about the attack before the attack actually put that in your pipe and smoke it!

a possible issue could be mis timed pc clocks and such...very odd huh!

good luck on the northern tour....

mike mcl