Touring With Marty Friedman

Some of the stuff on Loudspeaker is alright, but Music For Speeding is pretty average, Dragon's Kiss definately shows the best of his playing, and would highlight Ron's as well... Fair point mate! I'd heaps rather see a Ron Jarzombek solo tour myself...
MAN I'm so bloody angry whit your tour. How could you not include Portugal Ron!!! I know that you aren't responsible for designating the places you play, but have you ever came to Portugal, have you ever heard of, your's and Marty, Portuguese FAN(ATICS)!!
PLEASE convince our manager to play in our Summer Festival at Super Bock 28 July ( that's the metal day ), Mettalica and Joe Satriani are confirmed and if you and Marty came whit hold be a wonderful "METALIC-ASS" event
:rock: YOU ROCK DUDE :rock:

Long leave Ron's brain and is mighty fingers :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

There were quite a few things about the tour that I would have done differently, but it's not my call. I wish we could have done some Cacophony tunes as well as some sections from Megadeth songs. I think Marty's fans would have TOTALLY gotten off to him playing some of his classic Megadeth solos (and I could take out the Mustaine solos!). Not sure if I could pull off the Jason stuff for Cacophony tunes, but covering Megadeth and Cacophony was never considered. We talked about it very briefly after the first show, but it was quickly dismissed. I think the reality of it all is that with such limited preparation and rehearsal time, doing stuff like that might not have worked out.

WELCOME BACK RON!!!!!!!!!!!! haha, maybe u should organize your own tour where u play Cacophony tunes and Marty can be your back up guitarist... j/k

At the very least, I hope the tour gained you some much deserved recognition of your own ability and won u some more fans...
OK, I can't help myself. Ron might try to kill me (but then you know how much bigger I am :p ), but the potential for funny captions to this picture, even if it's not a good picture, is endless. I wonder what Jennifer would say? :D

Just read on Marty's site that you'll be featured on a live dvd as well as a live cd, it'll be awesome to actually have some proper footage of u playing...

I know you're working on an instructional dvd which will be fantastic, but is there any chance of u releasing a live dvd, even if it is just a once of concert of the Blotted Science material or something?