Towersound – Towersound


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Towersound – Towersound
Brennus Music – 2005
By Russell Garwood


France’s Towersound play power metal, with celtic, baroque, medieval and classical influences. While not original, for such a young band (two are only in their late teens) the execution is of a high standard. Tight and precise guitars provide plenty of melody, with a myriad of well played solos and catchy rhythm work. Gruff singing is solid, and always in tune, while many of the songs have an excellent use of choirs. The lyrics tend towards the cheesy, but considering English isn’t the band’s first language they are not bad. The bass is somewhat lost in the mix, but well performed when audible, while the drums are fitting and varied. Keyboards are prominent - an excellent addition to the music - providing lots of variation, and creating a slightly more original sound.

The production is fairly good, with a decent mix (other than the weak bass). With a multifaceted sound all instruments and layers are usually audible. Hence Towersound, while not a groundbreaking collective, are well worth checking out for power metal fans. Their songs are well-written, and their music memorable. Being such a youthful band I look forward to seeing how they develop, as this is an excellent start.


Official Towersound website
Hi Russel,

Thanks a lot for your great chronicle !

Best regards, Towersound.