Toxik Fans?

There's a few great technical metal bands from the 80s/early 90s that are awesome and everyone seems to forget. Toxic are definately one of them, along with Realm, Secrecy, Coroner, Hexenhaus....Im sure theres more that i cant think of....
Easily one of my favorite bands that I grew up lsitening to. Think This is one of the few albums I would take with me if I was stranded on a desert island, that album never seems to grow old, and still sounds 100% genius everytime I hear it. I Love World Circus too, it is a fairly underated speed/thrash metal release.
There's a few great technical metal bands from the 80s/early 90s that are awesome and everyone seems to forget. Toxic are definately one of them, along with Realm, Secrecy, Coroner, Hexenhaus....Im sure theres more that i cant think of....

track down a copy of Confessor - Condemned, if you haven't already.
all great bands mentioned and favs of mine. Toxxik has reunited in case everyone doesn't know. I hope to hear new music from them in the future.
They have Lou formerly of Soundscape and current drummer for Rush Tribute band Limelight playing with them.

I'm too lazy to post the myspace links so look them up yourselves.
2 more to add to the technical metal melting pot
Anacrusis-Screams and Whispers and Manic Impressions are such cool albums.
Annhilator-Alice in Hell and Never, Neverland are technical metal classics.

Ive always been drawn to the technical metal side of things. Its complex without having prog metal cliche's. Its also usually thrashy which is cool for a change of pace. Great stuff.