Traci Michaelz RIP

I remember meeting Tracy when I first joined the Maidens when he worked at one of the rehearsal studios we use. He was always such a sweetheart. We did a show with them in Hollywood a few years ago. :kickass:
I loved the Peppermint Creeps show concept - especially the Kabuki make-up!! RIP Tracy...... :cry:
Wow weird...

I WAS AT THE RAINBOW on Friday night! I didnt know about the event and didnt run into you guys! :(

Did you see the ambulance pull up outside? One of the bands that I manage, the drummer eat some of their bread and it had peanuts in it which he is allergic too. OOPS!

Anyway, bummer I didnt run into you.
traci was a huge friend in my life but he moved to la to follow his dream we were all rodies and great friends he was the best man at my friends wedding in vegas since i wasnt able to make it he ended up being asked to be a paul bearer at the funreal....its been a month and i am still heavy hearted over it i was gonna give him grief for still having not brought a creepshow home....

RIP Traci. I always admired the drive and happiness Traci had both as a human being and as a drummer. My deepest sympathies to all his friends and family. There is just too much loss of precious lives going on in our inner circles it seems. Take care of those who matter to you and take care of yourselves.
RIP Traci \m/ i will miss not being able to run into him at namm and local shows or anyother odd place that we both were hahha - l.a. won't be the same without him! traci always made me smile - i'll miss him. :(