Track by Track, fyi ALL! plz read


spacestation '76film
Apr 11, 2004
Track by Track

By: Leonard “Lenzig” Leal
For this edition of track by track, CEPHALIC CARNAGE vocalist Lenzig lent us his descriptions of the eleven tracks which comprise the band’s newest full-length, Xenosapien.

1. Endless Cycle of Violence: To me, this is about the way television molds the minds of children. Eventually we have things like the Columbine massacre, or little girls wanting to be like Paris Hilton. The music is heavy and fast... I like.

2. Divination and Volition: This is a whacked out journey into the life of a psycho who kills unsuspecting victims, then gains the power to see them. They interact, each expressing their hate and love for each other, while the music is pummeling and catchy and chaotic like the way it should be.

3. Molting is a track I wrote in honor of my friend’s tarantula. The music is crazy and has all the elements of classic CEPHALIC CARNAGE as well as a few new twists. The song deals with the life and death of arachnids.

4. Touched by an Angel: This one is an anti-pedophile track, real black metal-y and grind-y. The lyrics deal with how the church shuffles these pedophile priests from church to church instead solving the real issue.

5. Vaporized: This is a brutal grind ditty about thrashing your mind on some mighty fine green love out of a Silver Surfer vaporizer. They rule and we thought it would be cool to inform the mass who don’t know about getting vaporized, it’s just a healthier way of ingesting dagga, without all of the unnecessary carcinogens the lungs intake. Vaporizers just heat the herb enough so you only get the healthier properties and you get crushed from the buzz.

6. Hepatarchy in the UK: This track is a thoughtful track written by Zac. It’s kooky, heavy, fast, and epic. It’s a tune written about one of the most pivotal times in metal music in the 70's and early 80's. British metal cleverly disguised.

7. G.lobal O.verhaul D.evice is a drone-y tune inspired by our previous works in the doom era of CEPHALIC. Really plodding and driving yet melodic with a killer sax part by Bruce from YAKUZA. This is a two part song about a guy who see(d)?s clouds for the first time, then fine tunes his weather machine for restoring the world to what it was before all the harm caused by man.

8. Let Them Hate As Long As They Fear is more of the grind you’ve come to know from CEPHALIC. This one features the amazing Ben Falgoust (SOILENT GREEN, GOATWHORE) and it’s about the oppression that makes people fear and hate you.

9. The Omega Point: This is a track written and sung by Nick and it’s his take on the beginning of life, and where it is going perhaps. It’s a really catchy tune with some sweet bass playing.

10. Megacosm of the Aquaphobics: This is a science fiction track written about a war under the sea between Atlantis and The Greys from another planet, and how vengeance was enacted from their side after they were killed.

11. Ov Vicissitude: This is the first part of two and it is about having two years to live and how humans would react to it all. The music has a cool old school vibe and is grindy as heck, like a cross between Napalm Death and Slayer. It also features Jason Netherton of MISERY INDEX. I love this track with his brutal voice.
I saw them at Summer Slaughter, pretty shitty tech death-core bullshit. I was also pissed cause necrophagist didn't play the show in louisville. Decapitated was fucking amazing though
I think it's pretty lol to call Cephalic Carnage a "shitty tech death-core" band but then get upset because Necrofagist didn't play. They (Necrofagist) have all the talent in the world, but it's technical for the sake of being technical. To me, that's pretty shitty too, if you're going to call CC shitty. I also don't think that they're a "tech death-core" band, considering they've been around since '92...far before "death-core" was even a "valid" genre.