Track I started months ago but only just finished


Jul 18, 2007
Brighton, UK
As the thread title says I started this track ages ago but only just got around to tracking the vocals and putting the final touches on.

I just wanna know if any of it is a bit too over the top?

I'm fairly pleased with how everything turned out, but I normally get given such good advice here I thought I'd see what people might have to add!

Thanks guys :)'m Kind of A Big Deal Final.mp3
very nice song, but i think the vokillz stick out a tad too much. the instruments all sound very cool. and theres a some clipping at 2:25
really liking this sound man!
What did you use to master this ?
Vocals are a little harsh?

And they're either too loud, or just too harsh.

When the vocals really get going, I can't tell what is going on under them! :(
Yeah you're right, the vocals are a bit overpowering, but that's kinda what I was going for, the singer has a slightly rhaspy sounding voice so it's fairly tricky to get them to stick out enough but not too much :( It also probably didn't help that the vocals were tracked with an i5 haha.

Mastering chain was just gClip, then a TIIINY bit of reverb followed by a limiter.

Guitars are DI straight into my firepod with porfarm slapped on top. Pretty standard rectifier model, I've posted the same preset I used a few times before.

Drums were slate, and the cymbals were AD.

Thanks guys :)
I always love your mixes Scissors. At the start it sounds to me as if it lacks bass but then the low end sort of sorts itself out. :lol:
Good work!

EDIT: Definitely just my ears with the whole low end stuff.