trackball mouse users, which one?


Apr 19, 2005
New Castle, Indiana
I'm looking to get a trackball mouse for my home studio, and I want one that's comfortable for long periods of use...Here are the contenders:







So which one do you use, or which one do you recommend?
I was briefly considering a trackball, but I paid a visit to Cnet and searched for a bunch of them (including at least two of the above I'm pretty sure) and found some pretty scathing user reviews, so I'm just gonna go for a high-fallutin' standard mouse (specifically [ame=""]this one[/ame])
I always liked using the Kensington Expert Mouse for a trackball. I tried a Logitech with the thumb mounted wheel and for me, it was a little more difficult to get used to.
thanks guys. I know it seems like these things are a love or hate it kind of thing. Reviews on Amazon and on Newegg are actually VERY numerous and very positive. I'm a tried and true mouse user, so I don't know how I'll migrate over to a trackball, but I'm tired of scooting mice every which way. And, with the advent of loaser mice, they seem to have trouble on dark/black surfaces. I'm hoping a stationary base trackball will allow me to do things faster.
I hear ya, and I'm honestly still on the fence about it, cuz I can see how using ones fingers to manipulate the cursor could increase precision - however, when I think about it, I mostly move mice with my fingers anyway (along the up/down axis, and then forearm/wrist pivoting for left/right), and I really require at least 4 easily accessible buttons for my computer workflow (both in and out of a DAW), and I can't see how a trackball could comfortably provide finger access to more than 3 (without having to reposition your hand I mean)

And the dark surface issue is easily solved by the use of *gasp* a mousepad :D
kensington expert mouse [ame][/ame]
seems to be the most common trackball mouse in the studio.
I love it... haven't had a sore wrist in 2 years. and I don't even use the quick button things.
What about this?


To get extra keys for PT macros and stuff? I mean, I can see myself using this for editing drums with super comfortable workflow...
kensington expert mouse
seems to be the most common trackball mouse in the studio.
I love it... haven't had a sore wrist in 2 years. and I don't even use the quick button things.

So if you don't use the extra stuff, why go for this one over any of the other stripped down ones I posted?

What about this one:

i just have never felt the need or desire to use those buttons. i once tried setting the top two buttons to be zoom in / out or punch in but it's easier on the keyboard.
like JeffTD said it's just super comfortable and you have totally unrestricted mouse movement with minimal effort.
the Orbit has the large center mounted trackball and the scroll ring, but not the 4 big buttons. I'm hard pressed to wanna lay down 85 bucks for one if I can "test" it out for less than half. I'll have to find a place that has these sitting out so I can mess with it.
How easy is it to comfortably access those 4 buttons? No contortions required?

At any given time, my thumb is on bottom left, pinky on bottom right, index on top left, and ring on top right.

I've got mine so thumb is normal click, pinky is right click, index is middle click, and ring swaps between horizontal and vertical scrolling. I also have it setup so that clicking the bottom two together acts as a "ctrl/cmd+w" to close windows, which is epicly handy when combined with the dedicated middle click button and my love for having a bajillion tabs open.
After the last thread about track balls vs mouse I picked up #2 in your list up there. Very good IMO. First track ball that I've used and I'm very happy. I find it odd to go back to work and have to use their standard mice.

One thing that I must point out though: since I got the track ball I haven't had much of a chance to use it in a DAW, but in the few times where I've opened Cubase to lay down some rough song ideas it has seemed a little bit difficult to be as accurate with the TB as what I use to be with the mouse. I'd imagine editing could either take some getting use to, or be a right pain in the ass.