I would pick up a guitar and play as well, but I don't have equipment, I'm not skilled, and I'm busy screaming.
We're a sort of djenty prog death metal band with hardcore style breakdowns. I don't want to say deathcore because of the ridicule that the genre gets, we're heavily influenced by Between the Buried and Me, The Faceless, and The Contortionist. So it's kind of more prog and weird with really heavy palm muted/technical death metal riffs, and even some really pretty parts to contrast.
The main reason for the three guitarists is because our composer, who is the lead guitarist, often writes stuff that would otherwise have to be backtracked and frankly, backtracking is a pain.
I'd like the opportunity to stop the band from playing to do something unexpected like piss on some girl, without having the backtracked guitars continuing on.
But that's way OT. I think what I'll just do is have the most skilled guitarist track the majority of it--just double tracked. For the random riffs our lead guitarist composes to accent the particular parts of the songs, I'll just add in a mid left/right track around 75% panned. And lead stuff in the center.
I don't think any of the guys would whine about having the most skilled guitarist track mostly everything. It's less work for them.
Oh, and this is pretty OT too. I feel weird when I browse this forum, knowing pretty much every user is a guitarist. Though, I'm a vocalist. I feel out of place.
It's just motivation to learn guitar quicker.