TRADE: My personal MINT Shure Level-Loc M62V for a UAD-1 UAD-21

Charles J

New Metal Member
Oct 12, 2008

I am looking to trade my Original M62V Level Loc (that I've used on every record I've done in the last year or so) for one of the the (^) aforementioned items. I'd prefer a UAD-2 but if you have a UAD-1 with some extra plugs on it, I'd probably be totally down



I love my Level-Loc and what it does do drum rooms is just RIDICULOUS and worth the price of admition alone, not too mention in RULES for a really disgusting, dirty, but PERFECTLY VIOLENT para vox track....

...but because I can't afford to upgrade my PC right now (literally PB&J's for wayyy too long, LOL) I need a temporary solution to give me more power, as my sessions are literally maxing out on our current system and I almost literally CAN'T mix, even with every imaginable track frozen (I'm on Nuendo).

I'm looking for a UAD-1 OR a UAD-2 SOLO or DUO, depending on the situation with either of them.

Not too mention I'm in desperate need for a UAD card for an upcoming project for another amazing band on a GOOD label. Surprise coming =D

With that being said, the value of the Level-Loc seems to vary a LOT.

I've seen them go for as high as $800-$900 but like I said, the prices vary and will ONLY go up in time, especially with a unit like ths which has virtually NO hours of useage on it from what I can tell and this PARTICULAR model, especially in this condition, is a RARE find as it is.

ANYWAYS, someone PLEASE help a brother out. It's never a bad idea to invent in vintage audio gear =D I'm going to be fucking gutted if it goes, though, TBH. Only because I know it'll be a while before I FIND another and can AFFORD another.

EDIT: From what the previous owner told me, I "THINK" he said Jim Williams himself did 3 mods for him. This unit has a 1/4" Line Out which is handy as hell as well as the switch on the front, which makes the input 48V PHANTOM POWERED! =D So in essence, you could plug a mic straight into this moddded and unique unit and be rockin' with the coolest lo-fi vox you've ever heard.

And YES, I have A/B'd this with Soundtoys Devil-Loc and there is just absolutely NO comparison.