
New Metal Member
Apr 12, 2005

Abigail - Forever Street Metal Bitch
Anaal Nathrakh - The Codex Necro
Crimson Moon - Under the Sepentine Spell (THR rerelease)
Death Angel - Fall From Grace
Impaled - Mondo Medicale
Quorthon - Purity of Essence
Timo Tolkki - Hymn to Life (Russian Pressing)
Venom - Black Metal


Astral Doors - Evil Is Forever
Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark
Borknagar - Any full-length
Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
Girlschool - Hit and Run
Inquisition - Invoking the Majestic Throne of Satan
Rage - Any full-length except "Soundchaser"
Razor - Executioner's Song
Suidakra - Any full-length
Vital Remains - Dawn of the Apocalypse
Old-school heavy metal/thrash/hard rock tapes

All stuff listed are on CD format.
All in good condition. I do NOT accept russian pressings or punch-holed CDs.

If interested in trading anything else do not hesitate to make offers.
Or if you think you have something I may like do not hesitate to contact me.

Email rchcheeATsingnetDOTcomDOTsg. Or PM.

Thank you.