TRAGEDY - A metal tribute to the BEE GEES!

I love it!

"We Rock Sweet Balls and Can Do No Wrong" may be the greatest album title EVER.

Jive Talkin' is sweet!

Just ordered...10 bucks plus $2 shipping.

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Maybe the CD is done better but judging by the video it's plain horrible. Not even done well enough to find funny. It's like a bad Saturday Night Live skit, good in theory, terrible in actual practice.
1. Flex knees
2. Lower center of gravity while keeping back at 90 degree angle
3. Extend right arm
4. Pronate wrist
5. Flex elbow behind person
6. Grasp wooden object
7. Remove stick from ass.
Maybe the CD is done better but judging by the video it's plain horrible. Not even done well enough to find funny. It's like a bad Saturday Night Live skit, good in theory, terrible in actual practice.

I have to agree. Everyone has their own personal taste in music. I respect that. This just happens not to be mine.
Having the most serious & critical posters on the entire web visit here is both a blessing and a curse at times....

I don't know about John, but I don't care about the musicianship involved nor the visual medium either (although the dude with the knee high socks ruled). I plan on kicking back with a beer, singing along very badly with some metal Bee Gees, and having a good time with it.

I try not to wear black all the time.
Somethings are funny some are not. The Metal Elvis someone posted was funny, because it was done well enough to really make the humor of it stand out. The Hoogie Boogie Land or whatever was somewhat funny because it was so bad. But this is neither obviously bad enough to be funny nor well done enough to be funny. This is a very funny idea, but not so funny in the actual execution. Just my opinion, to each their own. Now I'm going to listen to Spamalot.
bought it. also check out the cover of Tragedy that Celldweller did a year or two ago, that's pretty killer as well.

Oh? I'll have to check that out, as it seems to have slipped by me.

If Klayton would spend a bit more time working on Celldweller's 'new' album and less time working on covers, remix competitions and the like, we might see a CD from them sometime this year. (2008 marks the third year in a row that Celldweller's live show "won't be ready" for a performance at Dragon*Con. :erk: )

EDIT: Good call! I'm listening to the songs on Tragedy's profile...they're actually quite well done! Haven't checked out the other stuff yet, but I noticed they tend to 'decimate' the cities where they play. :)
Haha yeah these guys absolutely rule!! I agree with Glenn! This is about kicking back with a beer, and enjoying something fun!

I'll be reviewing this puppy this week so keep an eye out for that!

BTW I posted the Metal Elvis band haha.
I'm trying to talk Claus into having Intromental rip off the album title for our own company slogan.

Hehehehe, "We Rock Sweet Balls and Can Do No Wrong" sure is a nice title and would make for a cool slogan, but there's no mention of my mom in there, so I'm not sure it would fit ... hmmm, perhaps "My Mom Suck Sweet Balls and Can Do No Wrong" would be more appropiate? ;-)

Having the most serious & critical posters on the entire web visit here is both a blessing and a curse at times....

I don't know about John, but I don't care about the musicianship involved nor the visual medium either (although the dude with the knee high socks ruled). I plan on kicking back with a beer, singing along very badly with some metal Bee Gees, and having a good time with it.

I try not to wear black all the time.

Man, I can be as serious as anyone when it comes to music, but I completely agree with Glenn here, this is absolutely hilariously fun stuff - and with a little of this :Smokin: and with each one of these :kickass: it just gets even more :loco: There's nothing better in life than serious kickass metal, but everyone's gotta lighten up now and again..."you should be dancing, yeah!" :kickass:

P.S. Hey Glenn, maybe you can get one of those tropical shirts of yours dyed black for when you put these tunes on and droppin' em back...:)