tragedy in erfurt......

Well, I don't really think that something like has been only a problem in the States so far. We also had things like that in the past over here in Europe but this time there are extraordinary many victims. I don't get the whole thing.
Originally posted by Silkie
Time to get a better law about weapons etc...

Hm....I think we already have good laws here. But I have no idea how to prevent someone from doing something like this. I just don't get it.
But of course today in my newspaper they wrote about the guy who did this....according to the report he was playing violent computer games and that he was listening to Heavy Metal.... :rolleyes: that explains all.............. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Gaunerin

Hm....I think we already have good laws here. But I have no idea how to prevent someone from doing something like this. I just don't get it.
But of course today in my newspaper they wrote about the guy who did this....according to the report he was playing violent computer games and that he was listening to Heavy Metal.... :rolleyes: that explains all.............. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Haven't heard anything about him was listening to Heavy Metal...
all I know, he was in two shooting clubs, so it was legal for him to have the guns... and there is the point of getting a better law!!!
Hahaha....I was told today that he was listening to Slipknot. So.....that's not the Metal I thought about. In fact, I don't consider this Metal at all but that's another story.
Originally posted by Gaunerin
But of course today in my newspaper they wrote about the guy who did this....according to the report he was playing violent computer games and that he was listening to Heavy Metal.... :rolleyes: that explains all.............. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Yeah... I think it is amusing how people try to blame a bunch of outside stuff for the actions of someone. It´s funny how no matter what part of the world it is in hard rock and heavy metal seem to always come into the picture... as well as wearing all black.. etc.
Originally posted by Gaunerin

Hm....I think we already have good laws here. But I have no idea how to prevent someone from doing something like this. I just don't get it.
But of course today in my newspaper they wrote about the guy who did this....according to the report he was playing violent computer games and that he was listening to Heavy Metal.... :rolleyes: that explains all.............. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I wonder what kind of music terrorists listen to ...or serial killers..... maybe pop??ha ha they never seem to bring up points like that when talking about these far as better gun laws can take the gun out of an Idiots hands but he will still be an Idiot...he will find another way of killing ... and besides.....If you have better gun control only the crimminals will have the guns they don't play by the rules like you orI:D :) o_O

hey .....this is my 100th post!!
Originally posted by 13th angel
thanks angelwitch73:) :) ...I still have a long way to catch up to some of you other posters...ha ha....I guess I will Just have to post a bunch of meaningless banter on the boards.....ha ha;) :p

Yep... hehehe... I visit a lot of the boards here at Ultimate Metal so it´s easy to rack up the post count by taking part everywhere. I can only do so when I have time though... which is rare.
Well, I don't know what that is all about. I don't care for number of posts at's still okay here on UM but I've seen boards where people only posted to increase their number of posts. One word: :Spam:
I don't say everything I posted made sense though :D
Hehehe, well I visit quite a lot of boards at UM, so I do get quite a nice amount of posts together, but I don't really care how many I have... as long as I enjoy myself here. :)