Training your ears


New Metal Member
Jan 25, 2012
guys how do you train your ears to pick out specific frequencies? Any tips? Im just a newbie here trying to figure out what you guys are doing.
And once you start training with such programs, it helps to form connections between frequencies and memories in your mind. For example, when I hear a strong tone between 2 and 3 khz, I always think of how it sounds to talk to someone on the phone, so when I feel music sounds a bit "phone-like", I know there is a spike there somewhere.
Frequencies between 100 and 500 hz remind me of several different parts of games I used to play, where there was a murky ambient background sound. 500hz reminds me of a swamp for some reason, 250 reminds me of a dark creepy cellar and 100 and below start to sound like a quake is coming.

The connections don't have to make sense, but they really help. It can also help you to shape the tone into a certain atmosphere, by reversing the logic.
you can try to listen to sounds that have certain frequencies dominant and compare them... like Nimvi said, try to match frequencies with sounds... you can also try to play with the parametric EQ to find which frequencies are connected with certain qualities of the sound. The qualities may be different on every instrument (even if the same frequencies play the role)
It just comes with time and doing lots of EQ work.. start critically listening and eventually you will just able to to hear when frequencies are too much or not enough.
If you get proper monitors it'll be a lot more easier to pick up frequencies and learn them. Just thought it's worth mentioning.
Live work is fantastic for training your ears to pick out frequencies. Ringing out a system and picking out feedback frequencies during a mix IS ear training!
Plus you get to do several mixes a night, each with their own challenges and problems.
i also use the Simple feeback trainer programme from Soundforge when I feel like testing my ears.