TRANSCENDING MORTALITY back with Metal Evilution!

After a brief parting of ways late last year i'm very proud to say that Metal Evilution is now back taking care of TRANSCENDING MORTALITY. We are very excited as the new EP should see the light of day mid year and from what we've heard of the 3 tracks it it hopefully will kick all kinds of ass and be well recepted by both old and new TM fans.:rock:

Check this band out people!! :

Fucking stoip resurrecting these TM threads. Everytime it happens theres a moment where my heart stops, but then i realise its just another post in a very old thread!!
Well christians have been hoping for a return, so Ferret may as well, I doubt he'd waste almost 2000 years though.

Hey fuck you buddy...


A Transcending Mortality re-union surely isn't such a stretch.