Transformers 2 Superbowl Spot

I thought T(ransformers)1 was pretty cool, and I normally dislike most Hollywood movies eg. "Wanted".
What in your opinion was the problem?
Yeah, T1 was pretty cool, but went on WAY too long and had too many pop-culture references and stuff ("you know the 40 year old Virgin?" yuk yuk yuk), but HOLY SHIT were the Transformer SFX incredible, my good god. Seriously, I don't think I've been so blown away by CGI since I first saw "The Fellowship of the Ring" when it came out. And as for the above trailer, it looks ridiculously over the top and awesome just like the first, so I'll see it!

This is how I remember Transformers.
I was a Transformers nut as a kid, so needless to say I loved the first movie. Sure it had some really stupid stuff in it, but I was able to overlook that because I got to see Starscream battling a team of F-22 Raptors. :rock:

I'm totally looking forward to this.
When I was watching the movie in our cinema I really had trouble recongnizing anything when they were fighting. Looked like two very good animated trashcans fighting each other. And come on. They REALLY fucked up Bumblebee. He is supposed to be a VW Beetle. How could they...
That was the biggest tease ever, but it made the little kid inside me very very happy. Can't wait to see this, and it's really not that far away either :rock:
So, for the Super Bowl I'm just going to be seeing commercials for all of Summer '09's movies? Not to bad. Granted if I ever watch the Super Bowl.

I can say I dug Transformers. I didn't think the length of was too long. I'd rather it be too long than too short and lacking any detail. Hell, remember back in the ol' days of movies your standard movie was at least 2 and a half hours. But nowadays attention spans are short as hell...but wait..I'm only talking about Transformers.

Random note: "Quantum of Solace" was hella short. Nothing worse than a Bond movie that rushes like foreplay.
When I was watching the movie in our cinema I really had trouble recongnizing anything when they were fighting. Looked like two very good animated trashcans fighting each other. And come on. They REALLY fucked up Bumblebee. He is supposed to be a VW Beetle. How could they...

GM payed a fuck ton for that long ass Michael Bay commercial that was Transformers.

VW? They've got the Bourne series, dont they?

And anyways, Fox is good to look at, and intolerable to hear. Ever read/hear her interviews? I wanna punch the shit out of her. She's such a `tard trying SO hard to be this rebellious badass chick. Idiot.
Did anybody else notice the scene in that movie where she looks under the guy's hood and says "it's got a nice high-rise intake and double pumper carb", but when they show the engine it's got some kind of wicked multi-port fuel injection set up on it?

I know it's the writer's fault, but still....that was fucking senseless.
T1 was a big surprise for me, as I went expecting the usual Michael Bay CRAP. It had outstanding CG action, some cool funny scenes and a dropdead gorgeus girl. I wanna see Transformers 2 on IMAX.

funny, i thought it was the usual michael bay crap after watching it

only good thing that guy's ever done was bad boys

that's right, i said it...