Translation of Human Fortress News Post


Shredi Knight
May 6, 2006
Parma, OH
I know Jason was interested in this, and here's the best I've been able to do.

"Hi People.

Things have been on the quiet side here recently. However as you know water can be deep (I don't know what the fuck that's supposed to mean.). we recieve the pilot traces for the new album and then arrange the keyboards. Dirk and I break up the tracks and then he works on them day and night. Torsten and I balance the pilot guitar tracks out. We've also finished the waveland studio. Sincere thanks to the guys of Kreon, specifically Mark and Morti, without whose help Carsten and I would've failed pitifully at constructing the studio. But it all went well and yes, Marco, drums on just the new Kreon work on. (I'm assuming he means that this Marco dude is the new drummer of Kreon). As of next week we will begin recording drum tracks for the 3rd Human Fortress album. From then on (hopefully), there will be fresh reports daily regarding the production. this sense

Rock & Roll

There you have it. Not bad for a year's worth of classes and a German to English dictionary if I do say so myself.

-Herr Gatka
Good translation...about the "quiet waters"-part: in German "Stille Wasser sind tief" means that people who appear harmless and nice may hide unknown traits or talents beneath the surface. You can use it either for positive or negative meanings. The silent guy in the corner of the classroom may take the best exams, or the little wallflower can turn out to be the filthiest whore once she's unleashed.