Trash Vortex

Wow that's... that's pretty fucked up. there's no way in hell we can come up with a place to put all that thrash even if we do find a way to get it out of the sea. AND we don't know what will happen if we do take it out of the sea. That large masses of debris might have maby changed the current off a few kilometers and changed the ecosystem underneath the plates completely. Now if we suddenly take it away, the current will be fucked up, it will divert the golfstream to antarctica instead of europe, antarctica will melt because of it and the sea will rise 15 meters, there's going to be huge massive ice storms everywhere and a new ice age and Jake Gyllenhall and his girlfriend are the only survivors in the whole NYC. And 5 out of 6 billion people in earth either drown or freeze to death. And then there will be a scenario where Burce Willis is on an airport and blows a plane that's just about to take off with a cigarette lighter.... pretty epic :rock: