Trav: cameras and scanners



hey man,

people been asking alot of your computer components but as a friend of natural 'material' I've started to use analog SLR pics more and more..

what Camera do you use? What film do you prefer? Do you scan from slides or from negatives?
I use Minolta Dynax 5 camera (+ MINOLTA MACRO TWIN FLASH 2400, i really think than flash-light is previous point) and UMAX PowerLook 1120 scanner at home. Plus in my office I have UMAX PowerLook3000 PRO scanner (great shit) and LaCie Electron 22" blue II monitor.
Nikon gear (F90x), and Canon D1230U scanner (with neg/film scanner to come!). Scanner's on the low-end of the scale, I know, but it produces nice clean scans :)