Travel Tips for those who've never been on a cruise...

Big ships have stabilizers, but teh boat does still rock (in all ways on this trip- bahahha) be prepared for that. My actual problem with cruising is land legs AFTER it's over. I feel like the Earth is still moving (which it is) but more actively. This trip stops for 22hrs midway so hopefully it'll be gentle on those unsure of sea-sickness.

As to other tips-
If you drink- adult bevvies are never cheap on vacation. I have the party upgrade thing, which ought to pay for itself for most. Be prepared for drink costs.

Excursions usually start at roughly $80 and go as high as $200ish. There are links on the TPC web site to view excursions. Think about it ahead of time- many of them are really worth it depending on your interests.

Beware of panhandlers- especially children. I'm not sure of the Bahamas but in other ports it's bad. In Belize I went nowhere alone- and also avoided alleyways etc. I've not heard anything bad about Nassau (part of the choice process) but safety in a foreign domain ought to be paramount always.

Be prepared to sleep very little. A metal cruise runs late, starts early. My last metal cruise we had our door open WHEN we were in our cabin probably 60% of the time to visit with our metal cruisin neighbors. For us it was just that much more fun.

EAT! OMG. You will eat so much on a cruise ship it's INSANE. Food is included... there are buffets all day and night and room service.

Essentially- these ships are floating hotels. YOu're going to make new buddies and find familiar haunts with new folks/faces. I am still in touch with many from a cruise 5 years ago. We just all got on that well. It's a cool thing.

If/when I think of more I'll share- and I hope experienced cruisers do the same. :)
I will say...when in Nassau DO NOT travel alone! EVER! Take big burly guys with you!! Or stay in a bigger group. I personally didn't have a bad experience there, but my mother-in-law made the mistake of walking down an alley and there went the purse!! But that was at night...They work in groups so watch for that. Not a huge problem but I want to cover all the angles you know!! I had a great time the last time I went on this exact cruise! I looked at the excursions, there are some great ones averaging $55-$70 a person. This includes tours, snorkeling and stuff like that! There is a Catamaran and Reef Snorkeling excursion my wife and I are taking!

Tammy you will have the best time!!
Much thanks for the advice and help guys :o)

The excursions might be something to look into.

I am traveling alone though.
Maybe by cruise or excursion time I might link up with a group of other people with similar interests.
Will keep an eye and ear out.
If you've never been snorkeling I highly recommend it! Its amazing to see the numerous colorful fish and the reef. From what I've seen so far, the excursions are rather cheap on average. I'm sure you'll make friends with everyone attending this thing Frank!
I have been on 5 cruises. There is endless food. Carnival has the best 24 hour pizza at sea. buffet is better IMO than the dining room. If you like beer buy the buckets of 4 its about 2 dollars or so cheaper and you can keep adding ice. In terms of sea sick, I sometimes have a problem the first day. Eat ginger snaps and keep a ginger ale handy or if you are really worried go to your doctor and get the patch but don't take it off , let it just wear off , the side effects are brutal when you get off the ship. I took it off and felt like my house was in the ocean, LOL... for two days.
If you're going to get off the boat and go do touristy things, and you're really concerned about the possibility of being pickpocketed, buy a money pack that goes around your waist, under your pants. Another trick is to put a large rubber band around your wallet and keep it in your FRONT pocket, not your back. Either way, don't keep all your money in one spot, so you're not SOL if something happens.

I can't speak for boats, though, as I've never been on anything that big - but I also have a cast-iron gut and have never been seasick, even on a clipper ship tilted into a turn so sharp everyone was clinging to railings and ropes lest they tumble. (well, I *did* feel kinda queasy one morning, but I'm pretty sure that was from all the rum I had the previous night...)
With the stabilizers and all they have on those big ol ships I never felt queasy at all. On longer cruises I get land legs after where I still feel like I'm at sea. Dunno if that's indicative of my ass-backwards nature... haha.
Never been on a cruise before, so i might need some help with the sea sickness. Also, i'd have to agree, we might need some body guards [:
Sounds like its going to be a pretty amazing cruise though [;
I am not to intimidating with my 5'7" tall self, but have been doing combat sports since I was 6 as well as competing in amateur MMA competitions. I would be more than up to the task for everyone.
yall should come to the cruise. no advice i dont know myself. but like the other merch girls said we do need someone watching over us!
Big ships have stabilizers, but teh boat does still rock (in all ways on this trip- bahahha) be prepared for that. My actual problem with cruising is land legs AFTER it's over. I feel like the Earth is still moving (which it is) but more actively. This trip stops for 22hrs midway so hopefully it'll be gentle on those unsure of sea-sickness.

I was on a Navy ship for 10 days last year in the Pacific Ocean. It wasn't a rough ride, but the ship kept rocking back and forth the ENTIRE trip... I was so glad to get off. Never got seasick, but the constant rolling was annoying. Took me a while to get my land legs back! :lol: