Triac on WFMU tonight!

Josh Seipp

Nov 19, 2003
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Hey we are playing a LIVE CONCERT on WFMU 91.1 (NY/NJ) TONIGHT!

Starts at 11pm EST, and you can listen via the internet if you are so inclined.

Andrew fills in for Pat with guests Triac
Thursday, September 8th, 11pm - 2am
on Andrew Listfield's show
Featuring one member of Hatebeak (not the parrot), Baltimore's Triac reaches into the realms of extreme metal, grindcore, hardcore, 80's thrash & experimental noise ala Napalm Death or Glazed Baby. Their new release "Dead House Dreaming" is out on Reptilian Records.
the performance was great! i didn't get to hear any interviews or anything if they happened, because my connection pooped out during the block of music after triac played.
i always thought it was TREE-ack too.
also, did anyone happen to record this? hopefully the station will supply the band with a decent digital copy. i still have a minidisc copy of when ND played WNUR and did that KISS cover. maybe i'll try and sell it on ebay for a buck fiftee.

also, wfmu is like the coolest station for live bands. totally awesome you guys got on there. you will now be called Uberhip in my world.
Wouldn't it then be like Kayo Doot?

Maybe it should be more Kaiyieaux Dute and have umlauts on the u and e, it would be way more metal then.
yeah we got a recording off the board

you can also listen to an mp3 file of the whole show on their site

this was FUCKING AWESOME...the people at FMU rule. so nice and enthusiastic and music-loving. The DJ for our show was this oldish (50's?) nerdy dude who reminded me of a tall, dark haired woody allen but then he was playing shit like Cryptic Slaughter.

playing was really weird since I could barely hear the guitar at all while I was playing because the drums in the room were so loud and we had to turn down a lot but I'm listening to the set now and it sounds really good. the vocals sound a little odd but it sounds like an EQing thing for the most part. I'm really stoked on the guitar though! there were parts I thought I totally fucked up but listening back sound really good.