TRIALS : new mix online -- your thoughts?


May 3, 2006
Hey everyone. My band TRIALS just posted a new song on our site, and i was curious to see what you guys thought of it.

We tracked drums with Chris Djuricic (NOVEMBERS DOOM) this time around, engineered everything else ourselves, and then went to Chris Wolff once again for the mix. You can hear the results at the Myspace link in my signature below. If something sounds good, let us know -- if something sucks, definitely tell us that as well. Thanks. -mark
As i already told you :

I just listened to it a couple of times and the first thing that striked me was the AWESOME drums sound !!! I love it !
The production in general is really good but god i love those drums !!! That's like the perfect drums sound for me seriously !

The song itself is quite good, but i think i need to listen to it more times to have it grow on me. I really dig the part that starts around 4:00 or so. And i dig the use of almost "slow tempo" blast beats, sounds like old school death metal and it fits the song well.

My fav. trials song for now is "And still i breathe", wich you seem to have removed from the myspace player... :(
I just love that kind of mid tempo riffing / 2 step beat that the song starts with ! And the acoustic guitar ending is awesome too !
Thanks guys!

@ djabthrash: Sorry we had to take "Breathe" off the page... we actually re-recorded that song at the same sessions as "Starvation," so a new-and-improved version may be up there someday.