TRIALS -- new song online


May 3, 2006
So since my band is apparently the troublemakers/shit starters of this forum (thanks Remy), I figure you'd all be thrilled to hear that we've got new music online. The song's called "And Still I Breathe," and you can hear it at

Don't even think about mentioning eBay or suggesting that I somehow owe you money.

No but seriously, check it out and let us know what you all think. Thanks.
Man your previous stuff was banging but now this new song is just even better, both in terms of production and songwriting/playing.

One of the best productions i've heard so far, seriously.

And i dig this song way more than your previous stuff (didn't like the cheesy (IMO) Robb Flynn -like clean vocals parts too much).

EDIT: I talked too fast :) currently hearing the Robb Flynn part :) Not awful but definitely not what i prefer in your song :)
BTW the first 20 seconds of the songs are exactly the kind of mid tempo thrashy riffing i love... reminds me of 90's bands like Merauder (if you don't consider the more "modern" low single notes at the end of the riff)... Makes me wanna go 2-step like a maniac

EDIT: I really like the acoustic guitar outro also. Reminds me of some E Town Concrete (RIP) stuff.

EDIT 2 : mts1979 you should check this band out :
Self-produced and then mixed by Tue Madsen. Sounds ok production-wise but i feel they deserve better (the kind of production you have would be be better). I love the songs though (they're good friends of mine btw, seeing them live next friday, opening for "bullet for my valentine" (can't stand that band :) ) ).
Haha...I love when that happens. "Cool, he's not singing in this song! ....oh wait, yeah he is. God damn it." Sorry about that, we'll make sure it doesn't happen again. Thanks for the Merauder comparison too, we like those guys.

I just checked out Eyeless...pretty cool stuff. I see what you're saying about the production -- I can't quite place it, but something isn't quite right. And normally I really like Madsen's work (have you heard the last Sick Of It All? Hoooooly shit...)
Haha...I love when that happens. "Cool, he's not singing in this song! ....oh wait, yeah he is. God damn it." Sorry about that, we'll make sure it doesn't happen again.

haha :) Well what matters here is that you guys like it... not me.

Thanks for the Merauder comparison too, we like those guys.

To me : Merauder = GODS

I just checked out Eyeless...pretty cool stuff. I see what you're saying about the production -- I can't quite place it, but something isn't quite right. And normally I really like Madsen's work (have you heard the last Sick Of It All? Hoooooly shit...)

I agree... On some albums i really like Tue Madsen's production (last SOIA as you mentioned, last Hatesphere...), but on some i don't like it so much. On this Eyeless album the "tad clicky" drum sound + thin/presence-ish/gainy guitars works well for fast thrashy/death stuff, but for mid tempo stuff it sounds really flat/sterile/powerless to me (for the song "inside of me" for instance... the first riff sounds way better on their preproduction/rehearsal/live).