Tribute bands?

If the band/artist was still touring themselves then I would wait to see the real thing rather than go to the tribute band. If the band has vroken up, such as Led Zep, then the tribute band is the best thing available and I would consider going. In the case of a Malmsteen band, i would go just to see if somebody really is good enough to cover his stuff. Also, if you're good enough to play Malmsteen stuff, surely you'd start your own band rather than be a tribute band? Well, I dunno...
Living like i do in the outskirts of Europe, if the original bands don't find their way up here, you have to take the second best sometimes:)
Many tribute bands do sound much like the original. The last 6 months i've seen a Maiden tribute called Moonchild and Hydra which is a Toto tribute. All tho i haven't seen either Maiden or Toto live, i must say i enjoyed both bands.

May 5th i'm gonna see Pink Division and they are voted the 5th best Pink Floyd tribute and in the world. See link for sound and video clips.:)
TemplarOfSteel said:
Yeah, I can understand that. Luckily, most bands come to London at some point.

I travel often down to Oslo to see bands, only since September i've seen Dream Theater, Circus Maximus, Pagan's Mind, Dio, Asia, Uriah Heep, Kamelot and Epica. And i was recently to PPUK. But i do cost me some money tho:loco:
I have and still do on very rare occasions go to see tribute bands but have a very love / hate feeling towards them.

We have a local Iron Maiden tribute band called Maiden England who are fantastic, both musically as well as for their onstage persona. The clubs they play are always packed and they have quite a die-hard following. Another band I quite enjoy watching are Kiss Forever, just because they give it their all and really throw themselves into what they're doing, although they are perhaps more along Tonberry's idea of a weird novelty band.

I've been to see a few tribute bands over the years but by and large I try to give them a miss. Sadly there's been one too many gigs where the band have launched into a song and I've been standing asking the folks beside me which song it was supposed to be because it's been such a poor version of the original.

My biggest gripe about the whole tribute band thing is a lot of the live music venues up in Newcastle now strongly prefer to book only tribute or cover bands and shy away from original bands. Punters will come out to see some second rate musicians run through someone elses music but won't get off their backsides to support new original bands.

Like I said, I have very mixed feelings about it all. I think it's very sad when talented musicians pack in original bands because they can make more money on the tribute/cover circuit. Surely that can't be healthy for the scene in the long run can it?
I've seen a couple of tribute acts myself. I don't really have any issues with tribute bands unless they really are terrible, and in fairness I haven't seen a bad one yet.

The ones I remember are:

Think Floyd
Australian Pink Floyd

both tributes to Pink Floyd (like I really needed to tell you that) :lol: Both were extremely good too, with the Aussie band being the best in my opinion. They are making quite a name for themselves now too supposedly.

The B'eagles

who are of course a tribute to The Eagles. Having seen the actual band play live as well I can say that these guys do a pretty damn good tribute.

I'm all for tribute bands myself as they usually surface towards the end of the career of the band in question, or in many cases after they've finished. Basically it helps the music of the band live on and gives more people the opportunity to witness music played live from a great artist or band.
Tonberry said:
Personally I would only see a tribute band if they were "weird," such as Beatallica. :D

Sounds like someones gonna be at their gig!! It's just over a week now isn't it?

Me and a friend were seriously considering travelling to London to see them. So that's a fair amount of effort for a 'tribute' band!! But we're not. Let me know how it is!!
There was a thread on the BLAZE forum about tribute bands where one guy thought they were just ripping off the band they were tributising. Not the case though due to royalties and what not. But i think that full tribute bands are a bit lame really... As a musician i'd rather be playing and writing my own stuff and playing the odd cover of a great band for fun, but playing just someone else's stuff?

I saw hi-on Maiden and they weren't too bad but i don't think i'd really go and see another tribute band.

Of course if the band being tributised is no longer around, touring and what not, then it's kinda different (which reminds me i saw a Genesis tribute band called Musical Box do Lamb Lies Down on Broadway in full which was funkin awesome!!). In that case it's good to be able to see a band perform music that either you can't see performed again or may have never seen performed as it was before your time.

I think Dream Theater do it best. "An Evening with Dream Theater": 90 minutes of DT songs followed by a full classic rock/metal album (like Number of the Beast, Master of Puppets, Darks Side of the Moon (and i think a deep purple one too)). That's rather great!
>i saw a Genesis tribute band called Musical Box do Lamb Lies Down on Broadway

The Musical Box are actually 'approved' by the real thing - they lent them the original "Lamb" slides to use during their restaging of it and Peter Gabriel has even taken his kids to a couple of their gigs so they could see what he used to get up to.
Yeah i know! Tis awesome, and they should rightfully be approved by Genesis because it was as if they were just miming to the album!! (but obviously not, it was just that good!)

Phil Collins has also been along to see them, and he got up on stage and played with them at one show in Switzerland i think!
Dug out this old topic, because a friend of mine are the drummer in this Thin Lizzy tribute band. They did call themselves Live & Dangerous, but since there already was a band with that name, they're changing it to Phil Dizzy. They where one of three bands supporting Deep Purple in our hometown in late June. And now they've asked me to be their manager:)

Here's a link to pictures(taken by me:cool: ) and to soundfiles. Have a listen and give me some feedback. All songs are recorded in one take and have not been mixed.
I would't splash out to see a tribute band, if one was playing down the pub on a Saturday night then yeah I'd go down! For instance a Maiden tribute, why not spend the night listening to some of my favourite songs played live!

I don't agree with bands such as the Austrailian Pink Floyd and the Bootleg Beatles making money out of it, but for a pub act it's good entertainment..

If rumours (started by me) are to be believed, there's a PQ tribute band just beyond the blue horizon :lol:
Tonberry said:
They're awesome. :loco: I missed the backing vocals on "The Boy are Back In Town" please become thier manager and force them to have backing vocals. :D

Thanks mate, and i have now become their manager. Well, we're gonna work as a team to get this band out on the road.
Regarding backing vocals, they are in place on live gigs, but this was just a rehearsal recording, so they'll be there anytime else.
This is gonna be fun:kickass:
if the band they are tributing isn't around, I am all for a tribute band of musicians that can faithfully play and reproduce the music and do it as fans having fun. I would rather see a cover band, though, that mixes it up.

However I hate all of these tribute bands full of dilusional hacks who think they ARE the band they tribute, or that they are hot shit because they can play someone elses (usually easy) songs, and have egos over original bands. One time my band opened for a rage against the machine tribute band (of all bands) and the members were cocky and shit talking all of the other local, original bands playing before them. hilarious, and they couldnt even pull off the rage material.