Tribute to Quothon

Quoth the raven.

I don't participate in that nonsense so I am of no use but I'll listen to Hammerheart anyway. Call it moral support or something.
I'll play Blood Fire Death, Hammerheart, and Twilight of the Gods later today, however my account doesn't register what I listen to so I will just be listening to Bathory to honor Quorthon and to enjoy the music.
The Greys said:
How many tributeS to quothon are we going to have on this forum section.

How about a tribute to someone else that deserves a tribute. Sometimes I feel like i'm watching VH1 when here.

Was there tribute to Chuck Schuldiner in here.
Chuck Schuldiner LIVES:kickass:
We have had enough chuck tributes on the internet to last for 1000 years.
I don't want too see anymore tributes.

it gets annoying

There are other people in metal besides dimebag darrel quorthon, and chuck.

this goes for kurt cobain too even though he's not metal. People talk about starting topics about the same bands over and over and over and over. There are people making music now that don't get much attention and we're talking about the new stupid slayer song, then we have another bathory topic,etc..


Slayer and Metallica topics atleast should be banished from here out.
So then don't open any topics that start with "Tribute to". These topics are usually only created on the date of their death so it only happens once a year or so.
Listening to Blood Fire Death right now. Blood On Ice last night (the overlooked masterpiece).

I hope Boss continues to release more Bathory compilations and the like, apparently Quorthon has a lot locked away from our ears!