Trick Or Treat

Triumphant Apostle

Disciple Of The Watch
Dec 8, 2001
St.Paul, MN
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Has anyone here ever seen this movie? I remember seeing it when I was about 10(in '86) and it having Ozzy and Gene $immon$ in it. I have been looking for it for awhile because I wanted to see it again(no matter how bad it is!) and got it for $7 last night on DVD at Circuit City. What are peoples opinions of this one? I haven't watched it yet.
To quote the English to AOL 12 yr. old translator: "O MAH GOD11!1 OMG WTF LOL I CANT BLEIV3 TAHT SOMEONA 3LSE HAS SEN THIS MOVEI!111!1 WTF LOL ITS TEH GR3AETST 3VAR!!111!!11!111!! OMG"

I love Trick Or Treat! Haven't seen it in a while and I had no idea that it had been issued on disc. The vhs of it went out of print years and years ago. Now I must own this dvd! Perhaps it will be my birthday present to myself, if I can find it.
You've now generated interest in me. Damn you *waves fist*

*adds Trick Or Treat to his ever growing to see list.*