Tried out EzMix2 in a couple different ways


They call me Juha
May 15, 2005
Espoo, Finland
Here is the last test mix, using intelligent choices regarding mixing, and trying to make it sound as good as possible within the means of EzMix2:

Original post:
Now, this is purely and "blindly" (select a proper preset eg. guitar preset for guitar, and that's it...) going with EzMix2, just for the fun of it :) For each track, I put only EzMix and only selected a preset from the existing ones, just to see how it stacks up :Smokedev: The master channel also has just EzMix2. Matching preset if one was found.

The first mix is with the "BS" preset pack (Black Sabbath, I guess... Sabbath Bloody Sabbath?) (BS).mp3

The second mix is with the DEI preset pack (must be Destroy Erase Improve): (DEI).mp3

And the third is just trying to make it sound authentic for the style, still with pure ExMix presets: (FF).mp3

Overall, I'm not really impressed with almost anything in EzMix :lol: But I do love the bass sound in the BS preset pack! Nice and phat :)

Enjoy the mess :p

Here are the SoundCloud versions too, but at least for me, SoundCloud is currently not working fully (slow and does not load everything):
While EzMix is squarely aimed at the likes of me, there's just something about it I was at odds with because even though this is just a hobby to me, I still wanna know as much as possible about my passion and EZMix is at odds with that idea completely. That is until I tried it and I was very impressed with the results but I cant see me pulling the trigger on this. I liked your song, those vocals are unreal man. The third one was the one I thought was the cleanest sounding.
Here is one more mix, this time using intelligence (hehe) to create as good mix as possible, within the means of EzMix2 (and personal taste):

Not too bad, this time. Interestingly the guitars are the difficult part to mix properly!

The kick and snare really came out very good, at least for me :)

For the kick, I used a sample called "kikbgrvb.wav" and the EZMix preset is "BS Kick" from the Metal pack (they got it correct 40 years ago, hehe...).
The Snare has the preset "Metal Snare Top" from EZMix2 preset pack
Then the SD + KD (and toms) go to a group channel with the "KickSnareTom Mix 1" preset from EZMix 1 preset pack

The drums themselves are Superior Drummer 2.0