Tried to sing Coil (opeth) -> Tips to monitor voice while recording..???


Apr 19, 2004
London, UK
I'm still a noob (so my singin skills must be the cause) but I tried to sing over Coil (by Opeth) and i found out that getting the right note with phones (akg) is soo difficult. I didn't have probs singing while listening with monitors so i wonder if there's some kind of tip i can use to sing in a more comfortable way. Do you compress a lot while tracking? or there's some kind eq u make to get the voice clearer?
here's an example of what came out:

Some vocalists like to track with only 1 ear of the headphones on. Others with both. You could try blasting the monitors as well, you get surprisingly little bleed as long as the mic is facing away from them.

I also heard of someone who used both headphones and panned the mix slightly (30%ish) left and the vocals right, or vice versa.

Btw, what are you saying at the end of the first section? "always waited for _____" should be "nothing" shouldn't it? Sounds like "epil"?

You have quite a nice voice too. The accent isn't coming through too strongly (no offence meant), only really on 'the' which you pronounce more like 'dee', and 'this' became 'dis'. The vibrato you put on on 'waited' is simply awesome. The vocals could be quite a bit louder tho, with everything mono and with the original vocals still slightly there its kinda hard to tell whats going on.
thx dude. i'll try the pan and the 1 ear tech. I cannot blast the monitors on since it's a really small environment and the bleed would be massive..

about the lyrics... i didn't care hahahah i did not read the lyrics so i can't tell. It was just for melodic purpose and i used what i call "fake english".

listening back i think it is "epil" or "april" :):)
Great singing man! Vocals should be a bit louder in the mix though. Is this the original song with everything panned Center removed or something? Can still hear a bit of the original vocals reverb.
If you have your mic on a mic-stand, there's a trick you can use. Record your track with the monitors at a comfortable level. Yes they will bleed into the mic, that's okay. Now flip the phase of the track, and record again at the same monitor volume (you can do this with an overdub track of equal gain or just play the song without singing). The phase reversal of the monitors on the second track will take a considerable amount of the bleed from the first track out.

thx !It's the original, i just messed a bit with a phase plug in (Sonitus R3 i think) to lower the original voice

nice one man ! really an evil trick! i'll try that too:headbang: