Trillains GIG & the day After :)


New Metal Member
Jul 11, 2003
Hey guys, WHAT AN AMAZING TIME Me and Adam had at the gig u ROCKED!!!! it is so Boring without u guys in the living room, My mam keeps making Bacon sandwhichs :yell: even tho you aint here no more :( and she still wont shut up about the Loaf of bread LOL. Hope u had a good time and i hope u enjoyed Shades.I will send laura the photos, We really hope to see u next year.


from Peter :)
P.S Adam said "YOU GUYS F**KIN ROCKED!!!" and he wishes u good luck too. He's also blaming Laura for getting him to like Overkill, HE HAS BEEN LISTENIN TO YOUR ALBUM & OVERKILL, ALL NIGHT!!!

Cya later :) :)
:yell: 54 in Shades?!?!?! I go there EVERY thursday apart from the last 2 because I was on holiday...and one of the 2 they're there!?!?:yell: That sucks!!!!!!!! AND I missed Trillians gig:yell:

wow I can't believe 54 were in Shades :tickled: lol
MattBlack said:
Was a fun night at Shades - we were all rocking to Bon Jovi ( :erk: ), and I was dashing around giving flyers to anone who looked like they liked decent music.

The drinks were cheap - that's good enough for me :cool:

bon jovi!!! :kickass: hahahah!!
lol :) Leave Bon Jovi alone :p I get down to them every Thurs in Shades! Nothing wrong with a bit of Jon bon! Can sometimes get 54 on too if u ask nicely enough (DJ's a punk poof):kickass:
LOl well said slasher..
Bon jovi rock muchos ass, as me and the lmm found out at HYDE PARK .. oh yeah .

anyway... was bummed out to miss this gig.
only bloody got to newcastle the DAY after.
no way i coulda made it cuz of interview on that afternoon! gettin the job made it worth it tho :D

When we were in there tho there were still all the posters up and heard people talkin bowt what a great gig it was!
Nice one!