Triosphere - The Road less Traveled

Been a fan of this band since I heard their debut. Can't wait for the followup, This band smokes, and would be right at home at Prog Power (or FotV).
Have you heard these guys & gal yet, Glenn?
Awesome track, I totally dug their debut release this seems like more of the same ass kicking. The singer kind of reminds me Leather Leone of Chastain just with less rasp in her voice.

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Yep, I agree Ed, and the Leather era Chastain had no competition "back in the day". Glad I saw him with her over at Chances R. Kate French is no slouch, but Leather reigned supreme. The new Triosphere "The Road Less Travelled" has leaked, and is out to purchase. My copy should be otw soon...
GREAT cd.....