Triple XXX test 2 / Slate samples etc.

Sounds great to me! I can't help but think...where's that guy, 6string something or other if I remember correctly...that kept whining that his XXX sucked and was no good...and pissed off and insulted just about everyone on the board? This is a great eXXXample of how good they can sound. :)
Yo, So I had a chance to record some more stuff with my Triple.
Don't mind the sloppy gtr playing (again, i suck, i know;))

Could probably get a better sound out of it, if I where a better gtr player and could quad track the gtrs tight.

Cheers :headbang:

are you still putting the tube screamer after your amp in the chain? can you post an example of the same riff/settings with the screamer first?