Triplets in DP's drum editor


Jun 6, 2005
I feel dumb for not being able to figure this out, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to draw in triplets in Digital Performer's drum grid. I see you can select triplets in the free mode quantize, but that's not really what I'm after. Can anyone enlighten me here?
Right, but I can't figure out how to do that. All the options under "view resolution" are just the standard whole, half, quarter, etc.
Basically, the drum editor sucks for triplets. If your song is triplet-heavy and in 4/4, I suggest using 12/8 instead (good for songs with a Testament / Lamb of God type of triplet feel.)

I use the piano roll for everything. Not as clean as the drum editor in terms of the look of things on a drum track, particularly if you're using DFHS mapping (ugh), but if you set all your note durations on the drum MIDI track to 1/16 or so, you will achieve a level of cleanliness that's workable.